Portfolio for my art commissions! Have a look around and see what catches your eyeHow to order:
DM me on Twitter @RunaiTerre and we can talk from there
By requesting to commission me, you agree to my TOS (click here!)


1 for 15USD
2 for 25USD
3 for 30USD
note: if you want four popsicles the price would be 45USD = (30USD)+(15USD)extra note: there would be an extra 5USD fee per character if you plan to use it as an asset on stream or wherever and request for the watermark to be removed


2 for 25USD
note unique to twin pops: if you plan to order two twin pops, you would be paying the same pricing as if you would pay for four pops
pricing would be as follows: 45USD = (30USD)+(15USD)
so instead of paying 50USD, you'd just be paying 45


//TW: Possible suggestive stuff//Prices:
1 for 20USD
no promo here sorry ;w;
As of now, I have no limit as to what sussy (suggestive) item you want to be popsicle-ified. However, if it is something blatantly racist, sexist, or outright offensive, I will decline your commission.same notes from above apply ~note: if you have an idea that involves a sussy pop being a twin pop at the same time, I am open minded! I unfortunately am too smol brain to think of a sample to draw, but I am definitely open to conversationextra note: if you want a sussy pop that functions as a twin pop, you would have to pay for 20USD per character/material/idea. no discount here sorry ;w;

UGLY POPSICLE COMMISSION REQUEST FORMRequest form (optional! feel free to just say hi on twt~):
Characters to be popsicle-ified: (ref sheet of your character)
Special requirements: (sussy or twinpop)
Any special requests: (If you want a super extra melty popsicle or have any unique ideas in mind. Do note that it might cost extra depending on complexity)


1 for 20USD
2 for 30USD
3 for 35USD
note: if you want four popsicles the price would be 55USD = (35USD)+(20USD)extra note: there would be an extra 5USD fee per character if you plan to use it as an asset on stream or wherever and request for the watermark to be removed


1 for 10USD
3 for 25USD
6 for 45USD

Request form (optional! feel free to just say hi on twt~):
Character sheet: (ref sheet of your character)
List of emojis/ideas you want to make an emoticon of